Home Forums MagCAD Support HDL Models i-NML Technology problem in running the file

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  • #1745
    Divyang ThakkarDivyang Thakkar

    Hello Sir,
    I have designed a 15-4 Compressor using i-NML technology. But I am getting a few errors.
    Can you check my design and let me know if any?
    I have checked and according to me everything seems fine.

    Thank you in advance.

    Divyang ThakkarDivyang Thakkar

    I am attaching here .qll file for reference.


    Dear Divyang,
    your design has multiple issues.
    The PINs are mono-directional: you can’t use that to connect directly a wire.
    You can’t name two pin in the same way. This will lead to an error, not to a connection.
    If you want to use a circuit multiple time in a layout, please export the component associated and then use that as a black box.
    Please, read carefully the documentation and the example.
    Finally, even if it is possible to put different “circuit” in the same layout you should consider to avoid this practice. Keep the layout simple and use hierarchy when possible.


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