Home Forums MagCAD Support HDL Models Simulation for half adder

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  • #1139
    Chinmay JoshiChinmay Joshi

    Hi Fabrizio,

    I am trying to implement half adder circuit. The problem is that i’m getting the correct outputs for all inputs except when all inputs are 1. Here is the circuit in MagCAD and the output waveform.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by FabrizioFabrizio.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by FabrizioFabrizio.

    Hi Chinmay,

    I think there is an error in the Sum function you are implementing. Try to design it by using only minority in NAND configuration.


    Chinmay JoshiChinmay Joshi

    Hi Fabrizio,

    Here is my circuit for half adder using minority NAND configuration. I am still getting the wrong output.

    Chinmay JoshiChinmay Joshi

    With the above design, all the outputs are coming wrong except when all inputs are 0


    Dear Chinmay,

    you get a wrong behavior because two gates are not implementing the NAND function (see attachment). When you use 3D gates you should pay attention at the coupling between input magnets and ANC. Magnets lying on the same physical plane are coupled anti-ferromagnetically with ANC. On the contrary, inputs placed above or below the ANC are coupled ferromagnetically.

    Please have a look at the following papers:

    paper 1
    paper 2

    Chinmay JoshiChinmay Joshi

    Hi Fabrizio,

    Thanks for the help. I got the output now.

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