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- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by Umberto.
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February 8, 2018 at 3:38 pm #1253peyman safiriParticipant
hi , I want to simulate sipmle wire in NML , I have prolblem with generating wave and my testbench factors , my vhdl ahnd testbench files atached here , please help me how to complete testbench parameters.
February 8, 2018 at 3:40 pm #1254peyman safiriParticipantmy vhdl codes :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- VHDL description automatically generated by MagCAD -- -- Date: 29/01/2018 -- -- Time: 18:55:01 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: iNML/custom/New_1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.NML_definitions.all; use work.NML_components.all; entity iNML_custom_New_1 is port( b: out std_logic; b_param: out param_data := (others => 0.0); A: in std_logic; A_param: in param_data := (others => 0.0); CLK: in std_logic_vector(0 to 2)); end iNML_custom_New_1; architecture struct of iNML_custom_New_1 is for cell3_0: NML_cell use entity work.NML_cell(NML_baseCell); signal ls3_0o : std_logic; signal ls3_0o_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); for cell2_0: NML_cell use entity work.NML_cell(NML_baseCell); signal ls2_0o : std_logic; signal ls2_0o_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); for cell1_0: NML_cell use entity work.NML_cell(NML_baseCell); signal ls1_0o : std_logic; signal ls1_0o_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); for cell0_0: NML_cell use entity work.NML_cell(NML_baseCell); signal ls0_0o : std_logic; signal ls0_0o_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); signal ls4o : std_logic; signal ls4o_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); begin b <= ls3_0o; b_param <= ls3_0o_param; cell3_0: NML_cell generic map(NInput => 1,NOutput => 1, inputMode => NORMAL) port map(CELL_IN(0) => ls2_0o, PARAM_IN(0) => ls2_0o_param,CELL_OUT(0) => ls3_0o, PARAM_OUT(0) => ls3_0o_param); cell2_0: NML_cell generic map(NInput => 1,NOutput => 1, inputMode => NORMAL) port map(CELL_IN(0) => ls1_0o, PARAM_IN(0) => ls1_0o_param,CELL_OUT(0) => ls2_0o, PARAM_OUT(0) => ls2_0o_param); cell1_0: NML_cell generic map(NInput => 1,NOutput => 1, inputMode => NORMAL) port map(CELL_IN(0) => ls4o, PARAM_IN(0) => ls4o_param,CELL_OUT(0) => ls1_0o, PARAM_OUT(0) => ls1_0o_param); cell0_0: NML_cell generic map(NInput => 1,NOutput => 1, inputMode => NORMAL) port map(CELL_IN(0) => A, PARAM_IN(0) => A_param,CELL_OUT(0) => ls0_0o, PARAM_OUT(0) => ls0_0o_param); reg4: nml_reg generic map(WireDirection => FORWARD) port map(REG_IN => ls0_0o, REG_PARAM_IN => ls0_0o_param,REG_OUT => ls4o, REG_PARAM_OUT => ls4o_param, CLK => CLK(0)); end struct;
and my test bench codes :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Testbench automatically generated by MagCAD -- -- Date: 29/01/2018 -- -- Time: 18:55:01 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: iNML/custom/New_1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.NML_definitions.all; use work.NML_components.all; entity tb_iNML_custom_New_1 is GENERIC ( phases: natural := 3; period: time := 10 ns ); end tb_iNML_custom_New_1; architecture Behavioural of tb_iNML_custom_New_1 is signal base_clk_i : std_logic; signal clk_i : std_logic_vector (0 to phases-1); signal b :std_logic; signal b_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); signal A :std_logic; signal A_param : param_data := (others => 0.0); component iNML_custom_New_1 is port( b: out std_logic; b_param: out param_data := (others => 0.0); A: in std_logic; A_param: in param_data := (others => 0.0); CLK: in std_logic_vector(0 to 2)); end component; begin DUT : iNML_custom_New_1 port map(b => b, b_param => b_param, A => A, A_param => A_param, CLK => clk_i); base_clk_proc: process begin if (base_clk_i = 'U') then base_clk_i <= '0'; else base_clk_i <= not(base_clk_i); end if; wait for period/2; end process base_clk_proc; out_clk_proc: process(base_clk_i) begin -- Clear undefined states for i in 0 to phases-1 loop if (clk_i(i) = 'U') then clk_i <= (others => '0'); -- Reset signal clk_i(0) <= '1'; exit; -- Force quit -- Act as shift register on edge of internal clock elsif (base_clk_i'event AND base_clk_i='1') then if (i = 0) then clk_i(0) <= clk_i(phases-1); else clk_i(i) <= clk_i(i-1); end if; end if; end loop; end process out_clk_proc; input_proc: process begin --insert your input stimuli here A <='1' end process input_proc; end Behavioural;
February 8, 2018 at 4:47 pm #1259UmbertoModeratorHi,
you missed a “;” in your assignment.
Furthermore a wait statement is needed inside the stimuli process.
For example:A <='1'; wait for 10 ns; A <='0'; wait for 10 us;
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